Friday, November 16, 2007

Allergy - Help I Am Allergic To Puppies

If you are allergic to dust dogs then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. You can be allergic to dander, saliva, or urine. Pet hair itself does not product allergic reactions in individual, but the dog dander that will stick to the dog hair will.

The allergy producing proteins called allergens are products in the dogs skin. When the dog licks themselves this sticky protein is deposited on the hair along with dead skin cells. When the dog hair comes into contact with dust, clothing, furniture, curtains, or you, the protein will stick to the surface of the object.

Allergy symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy and water eyes, skin rashes, headaches, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

All animals product allergens but just because you are allergic to dog allergens does not mean that you will be allergic to cat or bird allergens. If you are not allergic to dogs today is no guarantee that you will not develop allergies tomorrow. Many contact allergies develop over time. If you are susceptible to becoming allergic to dogs, then the more you are exposed to the allergens the more likely it is that you will develop symptoms.

If you are allergic to dogs then some precaution need to be taken to help control the allergy attacks.

Never allow dogs on the bed or even in the bedroom.

Use a HEPA room air cleaner in all bedrooms and in the family room. Air cleaners can make a really big difference in the severity and frequency of allergy attacks. The central heating system should have an electrostatic air filter to distribute clean air through out the house. These electrostatic air filters trap microscopic allergens.

Hard wood floors are easer to clean than carpets. If you do have carpets then invest in a quality vacuum. Most vacuums will blow the smaller particles of dust back into the air through the exhaust. You will need to get a vacuum that has some type of HEPA filter that traps microscopic particles of dust from being blown back into the air.

Leather furniture is easer to clean than cloth covered ones. Cover all cloth furniture with sheets to help prevent dog dander from being deposited on them and wash the sheets frequently. You may want to reserve a specific chair for yourself and not sharing your chair with your dog.

Wash your hands after petting or playing with your gods and avoid touching your eyes or face beforehand.

Allergy shots to hyposensitize or build up an immunity to dog allergens will work on some people but not others. The reason is unknown and more research is needed.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created over 50 articles about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. For other articles on Allergies click on Articles on Allergies and for other articles click on Other Articles

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Allergy - The Link Between Antibiotics and Allergies

Most of us in the alternative medicine arena know that allergy medicine is a huge business, with an immense array of non-prescription over-the-counter products to address nearly any complaint. Bear in mind, however, that they are not appropriate for all patients. In addition to their side-effects such as sedation or nerve reaction, allergy and sinus medications could be incompatible with certain prescription treatments and the chronic health conditions they treat, including high blood pressure, asthma, glaucoma, prostate problems, anxiety, and attention deficit disorder. Even in the best case scenario, allergy medicines could generate detrimental side effects that limit their use on a regular basis.

A recent study from the University of Michigan Medical School might have unearthed a clue. Now it turns out that the rise of another phenomenon'the use of antibiotics'may hold the answer. The University researchers found that antibiotics seem to prime the immune system to over-react to substances it could just as well ignore.

When the research team gave laboratory mice a five-day course of antibiotics, the animals showed the same effect seen in humans; an upset in the balance of yeast and other microbes in the gut. They then exposed the mice to several common allergens. The mice given antibiotics were hypersensitive to them, while the other mice had a normal immune response.

In the past, we have always thought of allergies and asthma as involving mainly the respiratory system. This research, however, suggests the microbes in the gut play a significant role. The results support a theory that our modern society is too sanitary. According to the results that support the "hygiene hypothesis", when you are not exposed to very many bugs, your immune system has a hard time differentiating between a harmless substance (such as pollen) and a dangerous toxin, so it is likely to overreact.

A growing number of holistically minded people are seeking natural alternatives to the traditional drugstore offerings. With their temperate actions and minimal side effects, botanical and alternative remedies are a good option for many a sufferer. In contrast to a trip to a big chain drugstore, the preparation of natural remedies is more similar to a craft than a chore, calling to us to slow our tempo, reflecting on the beauty and usefulness of nature's wealth.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Allergy - The Link Between Antibiotics and Allergies

Most of us in the alternative medicine arena know that allergy medicine is a huge business, with an immense array of non-prescription over-the-counter products to address nearly any complaint. Bear in mind, however, that they are not appropriate for all patients. In addition to their side-effects such as sedation or nerve reaction, allergy and sinus medications could be incompatible with certain prescription treatments and the chronic health conditions they treat, including high blood pressure, asthma, glaucoma, prostate problems, anxiety, and attention deficit disorder. Even in the best case scenario, allergy medicines could generate detrimental side effects that limit their use on a regular basis.

A recent study from the University of Michigan Medical School might have unearthed a clue. Now it turns out that the rise of another phenomenon'the use of antibiotics'may hold the answer. The University researchers found that antibiotics seem to prime the immune system to over-react to substances it could just as well ignore.

When the research team gave laboratory mice a five-day course of antibiotics, the animals showed the same effect seen in humans; an upset in the balance of yeast and other microbes in the gut. They then exposed the mice to several common allergens. The mice given antibiotics were hypersensitive to them, while the other mice had a normal immune response.

In the past, we have always thought of allergies and asthma as involving mainly the respiratory system. This research, however, suggests the microbes in the gut play a significant role. The results support a theory that our modern society is too sanitary. According to the results that support the "hygiene hypothesis", when you are not exposed to very many bugs, your immune system has a hard time differentiating between a harmless substance (such as pollen) and a dangerous toxin, so it is likely to overreact.

A growing number of holistically minded people are seeking natural alternatives to the traditional drugstore offerings. With their temperate actions and minimal side effects, botanical and alternative remedies are a good option for many a sufferer. In contrast to a trip to a big chain drugstore, the preparation of natural remedies is more similar to a craft than a chore, calling to us to slow our tempo, reflecting on the beauty and usefulness of nature's wealth.

Judy Phillips is the founder of Jash Botanicals Herbal Formulas, a manufacturer of physicians grade herbal extracts and medicinals. A naturopath and herbalist with over 25 years of experience, her passion for producing herbal formulas of exceptional purity and strength grew from a dissatisfaction with mainstream herbal products. She is an author of various natural health topics, from detoxification to dietary modification, and works to assist the expansion of knowledge to individuals in search of natural treatments. offers a wide range of informative articles, including a alternative healing monthly newsletter and a natural health blog.

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Allergy - Introducing the Flea!

In cats and dogs, fleas are perhaps the most common external parasite problem encountered by pet owners. They have been around for a very long time and know a thing or two about species survival so getting rid of a flea problem is never easy. Keep the following in mind when tackling fleas on your cat or dog.

They are an environmental problem, not a pet problem. Yes, you will see the fleas on your pet, but those you see are a very small proportion of the total flea population in your pets environment(approx 1% visible to you vs 99% hidden in the environment!). The implication of this is that you cannot hope to beat a flea problem by only treating the pet - you have to include the environment in your plans.

Fleas need blood meals to survive and breed. They are also photophobic (don't like bright sunlight). So that patch of sand in the middle of your garden 20m from the dogs kennel is unlikely to be the source of your flea problem.Fleas like warm, humid areas out of direct sunlight.

Dogs and cats are the preferred host for the normal pet flea (C.felis). If you have pets but find fleas jumping onto you for a blood meal then you have a huge infestation on your hands.The exception to this observation is if you move into somewhere that has not been occupied for a while then newly hatched fleas will jump on anything to get a blood meal.

One should not stop the "anti-flea" drive over winter. As it gets cooler, the flea lifecycle takes longer to complete and the presence of fleas may be less obvious. However, the lifecycle rarely stops altogether, even in very cold climates because then the pets are often inside the house with central heating. Hmm, lets see...warm,constant humidity, out of direct sunlight - yes, ideal conditions for flea survival.

You might not actually see any real live fleas on your pet (this is particularly true of cats because they groom so frequently). But your pet may still have a flea problem. If your dog or cat is scratching a lot and has some hair loss, especially just above the tail on the lower back, then look for little black and/or white grains in the coat. These are flea faeces (black) and flea eggs (white) and their presence means that there are fleas on your pet - even if you can't see any!It doesn't automatically follow however that getting rid of the fleas will sort out the hair loss problem. Alas, it is often more complicated than that but reducing the flea load will always be beneficial to a scratching pet.

Fleas, signs of fleas, or a skin reaction to fleas may be present on a single e.g. dog in your household, while your other dogs look fine. You cannot only treat the affected animal to get rid of the fleas. You must treat all the dogs (and cats) in the household AND the environment or you are going to lose the battle.

Very young animals can literally be sucked (almost) dry of blood if they have a very heavy flea burden. This can obviously be life threatening on its own, and is often made worse by a concurrent worm infestation.

What do you use to treat for fleas? By now I hope you realise there is more to this than simply buying a flea collar!There are a wide range of products available for treating both pets and the environment. Remember though that the formulations for dogs are usually different to those for cats - either in terms of the active ingredient or the dosage. Make sure you consult your Veterinarian to establish what is safe for your pet - cats can be particularly susceptible to some of the chemicals used to control fleas.

Whatever you use to treat the environment, it is best to start with a thorough mechanical cleaning before you apply any sort of chemical. Vacuuming, using only a nozzle to ensure good suction into carpet pile and cracks between floor boards, will remove a significant number of the non mobile flea eggs and pupae present in the environment. Outside, remove moist and rotting vegetation, cut the grass short and try to expose damp, shady areas to as much sunlight as possible.

Natural flea repellants are available but, as with the other anti-flea formulations, don't expect them to work miracles all by themselves. fleas have been around a long time - several million years in fact - so they know how to survive as a species. Your best efforts will be needed to keep them under control!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Allergy - Introducing the Flea!

In cats and dogs, fleas are perhaps the most common external parasite problem encountered by pet owners. They have been around for a very long time and know a thing or two about species survival so getting rid of a flea problem is never easy. Keep the following in mind when tackling fleas on your cat or dog.

They are an environmental problem, not a pet problem. Yes, you will see the fleas on your pet, but those you see are a very small proportion of the total flea population in your pets environment(approx 1% visible to you vs 99% hidden in the environment!). The implication of this is that you cannot hope to beat a flea problem by only treating the pet - you have to include the environment in your plans.

Fleas need blood meals to survive and breed. They are also photophobic (don't like bright sunlight). So that patch of sand in the middle of your garden 20m from the dogs kennel is unlikely to be the source of your flea problem.Fleas like warm, humid areas out of direct sunlight.

Dogs and cats are the preferred host for the normal pet flea (C.felis). If you have pets but find fleas jumping onto you for a blood meal then you have a huge infestation on your hands.The exception to this observation is if you move into somewhere that has not been occupied for a while then newly hatched fleas will jump on anything to get a blood meal.

One should not stop the "anti-flea" drive over winter. As it gets cooler, the flea lifecycle takes longer to complete and the presence of fleas may be less obvious. However, the lifecycle rarely stops altogether, even in very cold climates because then the pets are often inside the house with central heating. Hmm, lets see...warm,constant humidity, out of direct sunlight - yes, ideal conditions for flea survival.

You might not actually see any real live fleas on your pet (this is particularly true of cats because they groom so frequently). But your pet may still have a flea problem. If your dog or cat is scratching a lot and has some hair loss, especially just above the tail on the lower back, then look for little black and/or white grains in the coat. These are flea faeces (black) and flea eggs (white) and their presence means that there are fleas on your pet - even if you can't see any!It doesn't automatically follow however that getting rid of the fleas will sort out the hair loss problem. Alas, it is often more complicated than that but reducing the flea load will always be beneficial to a scratching pet.

Fleas, signs of fleas, or a skin reaction to fleas may be present on a single e.g. dog in your household, while your other dogs look fine. You cannot only treat the affected animal to get rid of the fleas. You must treat all the dogs (and cats) in the household AND the environment or you are going to lose the battle.

Very young animals can literally be sucked (almost) dry of blood if they have a very heavy flea burden. This can obviously be life threatening on its own, and is often made worse by a concurrent worm infestation.

What do you use to treat for fleas? By now I hope you realise there is more to this than simply buying a flea collar!There are a wide range of products available for treating both pets and the environment. Remember though that the formulations for dogs are usually different to those for cats - either in terms of the active ingredient or the dosage. Make sure you consult your Veterinarian to establish what is safe for your pet - cats can be particularly susceptible to some of the chemicals used to control fleas.

Whatever you use to treat the environment, it is best to start with a thorough mechanical cleaning before you apply any sort of chemical. Vacuuming, using only a nozzle to ensure good suction into carpet pile and cracks between floor boards, will remove a significant number of the non mobile flea eggs and pupae present in the environment. Outside, remove moist and rotting vegetation, cut the grass short and try to expose damp, shady areas to as much sunlight as possible.

Natural flea repellants are available but, as with the other anti-flea formulations, don't expect them to work miracles all by themselves. fleas have been around a long time - several million years in fact - so they know how to survive as a species. Your best efforts will be needed to keep them under control!

Keith Perrett is a qualified Veterinarian

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Allergy - Top Tips For Clean Indoor Air

Indoor air can make you miserable if it is not kept clean and healthy.

Clean indoor air is essential for a happy you and a happy home.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reported that Indoor air can contain up to 5 times as much pollution as outdoor air. Allergies and asthma are on the rise so cleaning indoor air in your home and work place is more important than ever as this can greatly reduce symptoms according to Dr. John Winder, an allergist for the Nationwide Asthma Screening Program of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

These are some clean indoor air top tips:

  • When you dust your house with a cloth you a often spreading dust around. You vacuum based tools to dust with instead. Make sure you don't avoid difficult to reach areas like space under beds, drapes and moldings.

  • A great tip for dusting small objects is to cover the nozzle of your vacuum cleaner with a pair of tights or fine cloth. Put the vacuum on a low suction level and run the small objects over the front of the vacuum nozzle. This sucks all the dust off without the object disappearing in to the vacuum! Note: Be sure to use a scrap material to cover the vacuum nozzle as it can get ruined in the process.

  • Wrap pillows and mattresses in allergen-protective covers and regularly vacuum them.

  • When you wash your linens make sure the water is hot (130 degrees or above) to ensure dust mites and their eggs are killed off properly.

  • Deep clean your carpets & floor surfaces once every season at least.

  • To really thoroughly achieve clean indoor air get an air purifier to remove all the airborne pollutants.

  • Clean indoor air is also about humidity.. maintain a cool & dry home. Keep humidity to 50% or less. You can use a humidifier to aid in this but make sure you frequently empty the unit to prevent the growth of mold in the tank.

  • Try to avoid letting your pets sleep in the bedrooms.

  • Keep stuffed animals and busy shelves to a minimum as these are real dust-catcher locations. If you have lots of stuffed toys vacuum them frequently.. but carefully of course!!
Follow this great advice and you will have super clean indoor air in no time.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Allergy - Top Tips For Clean Indoor Air

Indoor air can make you miserable if it is not kept clean and healthy.

Clean indoor air is essential for a happy you and a happy home.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reported that Indoor air can contain up to 5 times as much pollution as outdoor air. Allergies and asthma are on the rise so cleaning indoor air in your home and work place is more important than ever as this can greatly reduce symptoms according to Dr. John Winder, an allergist for the Nationwide Asthma Screening Program of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

These are some clean indoor air top tips:

  • When you dust your house with a cloth you a often spreading dust around. You vacuum based tools to dust with instead. Make sure you don't avoid difficult to reach areas like space under beds, drapes and moldings.

  • A great tip for dusting small objects is to cover the nozzle of your vacuum cleaner with a pair of tights or fine cloth. Put the vacuum on a low suction level and run the small objects over the front of the vacuum nozzle. This sucks all the dust off without the object disappearing in to the vacuum! Note: Be sure to use a scrap material to cover the vacuum nozzle as it can get ruined in the process.

  • Wrap pillows and mattresses in allergen-protective covers and regularly vacuum them.

  • When you wash your linens make sure the water is hot (130 degrees or above) to ensure dust mites and their eggs are killed off properly.

  • Deep clean your carpets & floor surfaces once every season at least.

  • To really thoroughly achieve clean indoor air get an air purifier to remove all the airborne pollutants.

  • Clean indoor air is also about humidity.. maintain a cool & dry home. Keep humidity to 50% or less. You can use a humidifier to aid in this but make sure you frequently empty the unit to prevent the growth of mold in the tank.

  • Try to avoid letting your pets sleep in the bedrooms.

  • Keep stuffed animals and busy shelves to a minimum as these are real dust-catcher locations. If you have lots of stuffed toys vacuum them frequently.. but carefully of course!!
Follow this great advice and you will have super clean indoor air in no time.

Michael Grzywacz is an allergy sufferer who writes about indoor air purifiers for

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Allergy - What Are Eye Allergies?

Many people are dealing with eye allergies. Symptoms of eye allergies or allergic conjunctivitis may include watery, itchy, red, sore or swollen and stinging of the eyes. Itching the eyes is the biggest symptom of allergies in the eyes. Without itching, it is not likely that a person is dealing with any type of allergies in the eyes. Both eyes are usually going to be bothered with this itching but one eye may be more intense than the other may.

Seasonal allergies of the eyes are very common. It is the most common form of eye allergies that people suffer from. This type of allergy may come from the grass, ragweed, dust, or pollen that is in the air. Perennial allergies are also something that many have to deal with and the same with animal dander and dust mites too. People react to dust and dirt differently and sometimes having an allergy to them will affect the eyes more than anything else will.

There is symptoms that will help a person realize if they are dealing with an eye allergy or not. The burning and watering of eyes is one true meaning that a person may have terrible eye allergies. In some of the cases, people will notice sensitivity to the light and even blurred vision. The eyes are usually red and the eyelids may become swollen. When the inside of the eyelid is also swollen, the eyes may have a watery appearance to them.

Having allergies to the eyes is made with the history of symptoms that people have and it is suggested that may have eye allergies. A health care professional will have to make the determination of what the finding are. Allergy testing will show seasonal or perennial allergies. A response to typical medications is helpful in the ultimate diagnosis of allergic eye disease and a failure to respond to the medications may lead to a search for a different diagnosis. Once a doctor finds the problem, they will then be able to give out the right medication and make it easier for a person to get rid of the itchy and the red eyes that are bothering them so much.

A person that has eye allergies is going to have a hard time dealing with certain issues. They are going to have problems doing the normal things that they would do on a day-to-day basis. There is medication and eye drops that are out there that can help a person feel better and function as they are used to. Making sure that a person is using the right type of medication is important.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Allergy - Dealing With A Mold Allergy

Mold allergy is not nearly as common as you might have thought considering there are thousands of different molds. But out of those thousands about a dozen can cause an allergic reaction.

Molds and fungi grow in all kinds of environments and they really do nicely inside. Outside molds don't really have a season that causes trouble. If you have asthma that is a result of a mold allergy the best thing you can do it so avoid the mold spores. Of course completely avoiding them is pretty difficult, especially air borne molds. Thankfully there are asthma medications that work well.

Wondering what the symptoms are for a mold allergy? They are the same as any other respiratory allergy. Sneezing, cough, runny or stuffy nose, postnasal drip, watery eyes, itchy eyes, itchy nose and throat, sinusitis, and skin rash and for some it causes asthma which has shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.

A mold allergy is caused when you come into contact with the mold spores and your body thinks they are a foreign invader so it develops an antibody to fight it. Even after the exposure is over you body will continue to produce antibodies so they will remember this invader the next time contact occurs. The reaction causes your body to release histamines which are what cause your eyes to water and your nose to run.

Toxic black mold is the mold allergy that made the news awhile back because it caused serious lung disease and caused hundreds of homes to be condemned as unfit to live in. Black mold is not a medical term but rather the slang it was dubbed at the time. This greenish black mold develops after serious water damage has occurred and although it has been directly linked to severe mold allergy the scientists still haven't been able to determine why.

The treatment for a mold allergy is the same as with any other allergy. There are several different types of medications both over the counter, prescription, and natural supplements that can help.

For an asthma type mold allergy inhaled corticosteroids can be used if you have symptoms more than twice a week your doctor will likely put you on a corticosteroid medication.

For some the mold allergy results in an instant asthma attach when exposed. Bronchodilators are quick to act bring relief from asthma attack symptoms almost instantly.

Antihistamines are used when the immune system over reacts to the mold allergy producing histamines. Histamines cause watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and other symptoms. Claritin and Allegra are two common antihistamines that are used.

When a mold allergy causes mucus and sinus problems then using a decongestant can bring relief from those symptoms. Common decongestions include Claritin-D and Allegra-D with the D standing for decongestion. Often an antihistamine and decongestion are combined to get the best relief.

There are also nasal sprays, immunotherapy which is a series of shots, and natural supplements that can help boost the immune system and bring your body into balance. Some can even relieve your histamine symptoms.

If you have a mold allergy it is important to deal with the mold itself whenever possible and then choose the correct treatment for your situation. It always pays to try natural options first before restoring to chemical solutions.

Get all the latest information about Allergies from the only true source at Be sure to check out our mold allergy pages.

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Allergy - What Causes Mold Allergy and Asthma Symptoms?

Among the most common types of allergies is mold allergy, because mold can develop just about anywhere and can happen at any time of the year. We more popularly know and identify mold as that yellowish or greenish substance that results from our failure to throw out organic materials and clean out dark and damp spaces.

There are two plant groups in the family of fungi: molds and yeast, each of which has around a thousand permutations and versions to its name. While yeasts are characterized by single cells, molds are comprised of multiple cells that branch out when they grow. Both fungi subfamilies are allergic offenders, but only about a few mold species trigger allergic reactions in people.

Molds, when they multiply, also produce millions of spores. These spores are what cause allergies. When inhaled, these microscopic spores give birth to allergic rhinitis. And because they are so tiny and microscopic, escaping exposure to mold spores and susceptibility to mold allergy may be difficult to accomplish. Mold spores can easily bypass our bodies protective functions and lodge themselves into our respiratory organs.

Some people experience a more severe mold allergy attack when they take in food that has been processed with fungi, like cheese. There are also instances when dried food and some mushrooms, as well as yeast-related foods, like vinegar and soy sauce, help worsen the attack. We cannot say exactly the same for penicillin, however, though it is made from the mold Penicillium, because studies have not shown any blatant relationship between it and mold allergy.

Mold allergy or asthma symptoms related to molds can also come with the season, usually from spring to just before fall ends. Mold season is usually at its highest during the summer, because of the moisture and heat. Some molds thrive in cold temperatures, but most of them simply remain dormant until they are unfrozen and given the chance to grow again. Molds are particularly present just after the spring thaw because they feed on dead vegetation that that have been hit by the winter season.

Wherever there is moisture, you can be sure that molds will be there to grow. The best places they can thrive are damp closets and basements, unmonitored refrigerators, bathrooms, air conditioners, mattresses, house plants and uncleaned garbage pails, among others.

Given this information, households should make sure that all spaces are ventilated well and mold-attractive objects aired out regularly to avoid the development of molds.

The most common molds found in the United States are Cladosporium and Alternaria. Actually, there are many other mold species that they usually outnumber the pollen that spreads in the air. Worse than pollen, they can thrive both indoors and outdoors, and can be very tricky to detect at their early development stages. Most people recognize the presence of mold only after they have grown to annoying and smelly levels.

Continuous exposure to mold will not just bring about mold allergy but also lead to lung disease or asthma. If you have started to feel weird coughing symptoms and some wheezing, better have yourself checked immediately to nip the problem at the bud. Your physician will likely have you undergo a series of tests, including X-rays and blood sampling, to determine the cause. Needless to say, mold allergy, while seemingly temporary, is still not something that you should take for granted.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Allergy - What Causes Mold Allergy and Asthma Symptoms?

Among the most common types of allergies is mold allergy, because mold can develop just about anywhere and can happen at any time of the year. We more popularly know and identify mold as that yellowish or greenish substance that results from our failure to throw out organic materials and clean out dark and damp spaces.

There are two plant groups in the family of fungi: molds and yeast, each of which has around a thousand permutations and versions to its name. While yeasts are characterized by single cells, molds are comprised of multiple cells that branch out when they grow. Both fungi subfamilies are allergic offenders, but only about a few mold species trigger allergic reactions in people.

Molds, when they multiply, also produce millions of spores. These spores are what cause allergies. When inhaled, these microscopic spores give birth to allergic rhinitis. And because they are so tiny and microscopic, escaping exposure to mold spores and susceptibility to mold allergy may be difficult to accomplish. Mold spores can easily bypass our bodies protective functions and lodge themselves into our respiratory organs.

Some people experience a more severe mold allergy attack when they take in food that has been processed with fungi, like cheese. There are also instances when dried food and some mushrooms, as well as yeast-related foods, like vinegar and soy sauce, help worsen the attack. We cannot say exactly the same for penicillin, however, though it is made from the mold Penicillium, because studies have not shown any blatant relationship between it and mold allergy.

Mold allergy or asthma symptoms related to molds can also come with the season, usually from spring to just before fall ends. Mold season is usually at its highest during the summer, because of the moisture and heat. Some molds thrive in cold temperatures, but most of them simply remain dormant until they are unfrozen and given the chance to grow again. Molds are particularly present just after the spring thaw because they feed on dead vegetation that that have been hit by the winter season.

Wherever there is moisture, you can be sure that molds will be there to grow. The best places they can thrive are damp closets and basements, unmonitored refrigerators, bathrooms, air conditioners, mattresses, house plants and uncleaned garbage pails, among others.

Given this information, households should make sure that all spaces are ventilated well and mold-attractive objects aired out regularly to avoid the development of molds.

The most common molds found in the United States are Cladosporium and Alternaria. Actually, there are many other mold species that they usually outnumber the pollen that spreads in the air. Worse than pollen, they can thrive both indoors and outdoors, and can be very tricky to detect at their early development stages. Most people recognize the presence of mold only after they have grown to annoying and smelly levels.

Continuous exposure to mold will not just bring about mold allergy but also lead to lung disease or asthma. If you have started to feel weird coughing symptoms and some wheezing, better have yourself checked immediately to nip the problem at the bud. Your physician will likely have you undergo a series of tests, including X-rays and blood sampling, to determine the cause. Needless to say, mold allergy, while seemingly temporary, is still not something that you should take for granted.

Discover how you can naturally and safely free yourself from the annoying symptoms of allergies. Sign-up to get this FREE natural allergy remedy info-kit today.

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Allergy - Winter Sniffles: Allergies, or the Common Cold?

The cold days of winter bring most of us indoors for the year - and then the sniffles start up. Symptoms like sneezing, congestion, and sore throat are common during the winter months. These unpleasant symptoms can be evidence of a winter cold, but they can also mean indoor allergies. What are the causes of these winter ailments, and how can they be identified (and treated)?

Winter weather can indirectly cause both colds and indoor allergies. Colds increase in winter because people spend more time inside, confined to small spaces where viruses and germs can be easily passed around. Also, the viruses which cause colds thrive in low-humidity environments, which are typically found in the cold dry months of winter. Low humidity, combined with air blowing from indoor heating systems, causes drying of the nasal passages, which can increase susceptibility to infection.

With indoor allergies, it's a similar story. Indoor allergies are caused by dust, which contains a wide variety of allergy-causing particles like animal dander, mold spores, pollen, dust mites and dust mite waste. Spending more time indoors means increased exposure to these allergens. Plus, indoor heating systems circulate air through the house, knocking loose many allergy causing particles on carpets, furniture, and dusty shelves. Then, these allergens are circulated through your home, right along with the warm cozy air.

Colds and allergies also show themselves in very similar ways, making it difficult to tell them apart. Symptoms of colds include congestion, stuffy nose, swelling of sinuses, sneezing, scratchy sore throat, headaches, aches and pains, fever, and a cough. Allergy symptoms include stuffed or runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, sore throat, watery and itchy eyes, and sometimes headaches. The main difference between cold and allergy symptoms is that colds usually come with body aches and pains and possibly a low-grade fever, while allergies do not. In addition, colds usually last 7-10 days, while allergies will persist as long as the exposure to the offending allergen continues. If you have cold-like symptoms which persist for more than two weeks, it's a good guess that you're dealing with an allergy, not a cold.

Complicating matters, frequent colds may in fact result from allergies. Your body responds to tiny allergens by producing mucus, in an attempt to expel them. However, nasal mucus is also a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, which can cause colds and sinus infections. Treating allergies will help prevent these, which is why it's a good idea to identify allergies early and treat them accordingly.

It's important to distinguish between colds and allergies, in order to give appropriate treatment. Cold viruses thrive in low humidity, and nasal dryness can lead to increased susceptibility to colds, so running a humidifier in cold dry winter months may be helpful. However, dust mites thrive on high humidity, so if you're suffering from indoor allergies, the low humidity is your ally. And while rest and plenty of fluids may cure a cold, allergies will persist as long as exposure continues.

To treat and prevent indoor allergies:

  • Visit an allergy doctor who can help you identify the offending indoor allergens
  • Maintain low indoor humidity to kill dust mites and mold
  • Vacuum using a HEPA filtered vacuum and run a HEPA air purifier to remove airborne allergens
  • Encase mattress, pillows, and bedding in allergen-barrier encasings to protect from dust mite allergies
  • Dust and clean frequently

To treat and prevent winter colds:

  • Wash your hands frequently and disinfect surfaces
  • Get plenty of exercise and rest
  • Eat nutritiously, with lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and excess stress
  • Relieve cold symptoms with nasal decongestants and cough suppressants

When treating a cold, remember that medicines may relieve symptoms, but they will not cure the cold. Only giving your body the proper care it needs - rest, proper nutrition, and plenty of fluids - will cure the cold. And with allergies, the best way to treat allergy symptoms is to remove the offending allergens from the environment.

Allergy - Winter Sniffles: Allergies, or the Common Cold?

The cold days of winter bring most of us indoors for the year - and then the sniffles start up. Symptoms like sneezing, congestion, and sore throat are common during the winter months. These unpleasant symptoms can be evidence of a winter cold, but they can also mean indoor allergies. What are the causes of these winter ailments, and how can they be identified (and treated)?

Winter weather can indirectly cause both colds and indoor allergies. Colds increase in winter because people spend more time inside, confined to small spaces where viruses and germs can be easily passed around. Also, the viruses which cause colds thrive in low-humidity environments, which are typically found in the cold dry months of winter. Low humidity, combined with air blowing from indoor heating systems, causes drying of the nasal passages, which can increase susceptibility to infection.

With indoor allergies, it's a similar story. Indoor allergies are caused by dust, which contains a wide variety of allergy-causing particles like animal dander, mold spores, pollen, dust mites and dust mite waste. Spending more time indoors means increased exposure to these allergens. Plus, indoor heating systems circulate air through the house, knocking loose many allergy causing particles on carpets, furniture, and dusty shelves. Then, these allergens are circulated through your home, right along with the warm cozy air.

Colds and allergies also show themselves in very similar ways, making it difficult to tell them apart. Symptoms of colds include congestion, stuffy nose, swelling of sinuses, sneezing, scratchy sore throat, headaches, aches and pains, fever, and a cough. Allergy symptoms include stuffed or runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, sore throat, watery and itchy eyes, and sometimes headaches. The main difference between cold and allergy symptoms is that colds usually come with body aches and pains and possibly a low-grade fever, while allergies do not. In addition, colds usually last 7-10 days, while allergies will persist as long as the exposure to the offending allergen continues. If you have cold-like symptoms which persist for more than two weeks, it's a good guess that you're dealing with an allergy, not a cold.

Complicating matters, frequent colds may in fact result from allergies. Your body responds to tiny allergens by producing mucus, in an attempt to expel them. However, nasal mucus is also a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, which can cause colds and sinus infections. Treating allergies will help prevent these, which is why it's a good idea to identify allergies early and treat them accordingly.

It's important to distinguish between colds and allergies, in order to give appropriate treatment. Cold viruses thrive in low humidity, and nasal dryness can lead to increased susceptibility to colds, so running a humidifier in cold dry winter months may be helpful. However, dust mites thrive on high humidity, so if you're suffering from indoor allergies, the low humidity is your ally. And while rest and plenty of fluids may cure a cold, allergies will persist as long as exposure continues.

To treat and prevent indoor allergies:

  • Visit an allergy doctor who can help you identify the offending indoor allergens
  • Maintain low indoor humidity to kill dust mites and mold
  • Vacuum using a HEPA filtered vacuum and run a HEPA air purifier to remove airborne allergens
  • Encase mattress, pillows, and bedding in allergen-barrier encasings to protect from dust mite allergies
  • Dust and clean frequently

To treat and prevent winter colds:

  • Wash your hands frequently and disinfect surfaces
  • Get plenty of exercise and rest
  • Eat nutritiously, with lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and excess stress
  • Relieve cold symptoms with nasal decongestants and cough suppressants

When treating a cold, remember that medicines may relieve symptoms, but they will not cure the cold. Only giving your body the proper care it needs - rest, proper nutrition, and plenty of fluids - will cure the cold. And with allergies, the best way to treat allergy symptoms is to remove the offending allergens from the environment.

Desirina Boskovich is a writer, allergy sufferer, and a member of the achoo! ALLERGY & Air Products team. achoo! ALLERGY provides products and tips for allergy relief and environmental control. Sign up for our monthly newsletter!

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Allergy - How A Dyson Vacuum Cleaner Can Help With Dust Mite Allergies

Over 300 years ago Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the inventor of the microscope, discovered the existence of dust mites. These small spider-like creatures are invisible to the naked eye, but they can be found all over your house. The problem with these pesky little critters is that, after pollen, they are the biggest cause of allergic reactions in humans. In this article, we'll look at how using a Dyson vacuum cleaner can help people who suffer from dust mite allergies.

Dust mites feed on the dead skin cells that we shed every day as we walk around, so dust mites basically live where we do. Because they also like "warm", humid places, the places we spend the most of our time like beds, sofas and armchairs are their most furtive feeding grounds. As an example, a typical mattress can have anywhere between 100,000 to 10 million dust mites living inside!

If our skin comes into contact with dust mite droppings, this can trigger an allergic reaction and lead to itchy red bumps on the skin. If someone breathes in dust containing these droppings, they can experience more serious symptoms such as shortness of breath or even, in extreme cases, an asthma attack. Some experts even believe that exposure to the mites in the first, crucial year of life can trigger a lifelong allergy. So dust mite control can be especially important if you have a newborn baby.

Research has shown that taking people with allergies out of an environment with a high incidence of mites can alleviate their symptoms. Some asthmatics can also benefit hugely from being removed from high-mite environments. So how can a Dyson vacuum cleaner help?

A Dyson can help you effectively control/reduce dust mite levels. Most conventional vacuums are "inefficient". They lose suction because the filters and bags become clogged. This is bad because they often end up just throwing up the dust mites into the air, rather than actually hoovering them up! This can make your allergy worse! But Dyson's patented Cyclone technology has been designed to prevent the loss of suction that traditional vacuum cleaners suffer from, so you can be sure that the Dyson is always delivering maximum power and extracting those pesky dust mites from your home.

Dust mites can also escape from the dust bags used by traditional vacuums. So all of the hard work you put into vacuuming them up could be wasted. Everyone has heard of Dyson's bagless vacuum technology. But apart from saving you money in the long run (which helps to offset and justify the initial cost), it enables you to dispose of the dust mites right after you've hoovered them up.

But isn't this all just a load of marketing hype, I hear you ask? Well, maybe to a certain extent, but the Dyson design is based on sound engineering principles. So much so that Dyson successfully defended their patents when Hoover tried to copy their technology. And the British Allergy Foundation - an independent charity organization - has awarded its coveted Seal of Approval to most of the Dyson range (DC07, DC08, DC11, DC12, DC14 and DC15).

The bottom line is, if you are at all concerned about dust mite allergies, you should definitely look into buying a new Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Allergy - How A Dyson Vacuum Cleaner Can Help With Dust Mite Allergies

Over 300 years ago Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the inventor of the microscope, discovered the existence of dust mites. These small spider-like creatures are invisible to the naked eye, but they can be found all over your house. The problem with these pesky little critters is that, after pollen, they are the biggest cause of allergic reactions in humans. In this article, we'll look at how using a Dyson vacuum cleaner can help people who suffer from dust mite allergies.

Dust mites feed on the dead skin cells that we shed every day as we walk around, so dust mites basically live where we do. Because they also like "warm", humid places, the places we spend the most of our time like beds, sofas and armchairs are their most furtive feeding grounds. As an example, a typical mattress can have anywhere between 100,000 to 10 million dust mites living inside!

If our skin comes into contact with dust mite droppings, this can trigger an allergic reaction and lead to itchy red bumps on the skin. If someone breathes in dust containing these droppings, they can experience more serious symptoms such as shortness of breath or even, in extreme cases, an asthma attack. Some experts even believe that exposure to the mites in the first, crucial year of life can trigger a lifelong allergy. So dust mite control can be especially important if you have a newborn baby.

Research has shown that taking people with allergies out of an environment with a high incidence of mites can alleviate their symptoms. Some asthmatics can also benefit hugely from being removed from high-mite environments. So how can a Dyson vacuum cleaner help?

A Dyson can help you effectively control/reduce dust mite levels. Most conventional vacuums are "inefficient". They lose suction because the filters and bags become clogged. This is bad because they often end up just throwing up the dust mites into the air, rather than actually hoovering them up! This can make your allergy worse! But Dyson's patented Cyclone technology has been designed to prevent the loss of suction that traditional vacuum cleaners suffer from, so you can be sure that the Dyson is always delivering maximum power and extracting those pesky dust mites from your home.

Dust mites can also escape from the dust bags used by traditional vacuums. So all of the hard work you put into vacuuming them up could be wasted. Everyone has heard of Dyson's bagless vacuum technology. But apart from saving you money in the long run (which helps to offset and justify the initial cost), it enables you to dispose of the dust mites right after you've hoovered them up.

But isn't this all just a load of marketing hype, I hear you ask? Well, maybe to a certain extent, but the Dyson design is based on sound engineering principles. So much so that Dyson successfully defended their patents when Hoover tried to copy their technology. And the British Allergy Foundation - an independent charity organization - has awarded its coveted Seal of Approval to most of the Dyson range (DC07, DC08, DC11, DC12, DC14 and DC15).

The bottom line is, if you are at all concerned about dust mite allergies, you should definitely look into buying a new Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Martin White is the founder of where you can find the lowest prices on brand new Dyson vacuum cleaners such as the DC07, DC14 & DC15. What's more, with you get Free delivery to your door on all Dysons.

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Allergy - Air Purifier Basics: Why and How to Buy an Air Purifier

If you think that air purifiers are just any other luxury device that your family can do without, read on. You are more likely to discover the benefits of having an equipment that gets rid of air pollutants and improves the quality of the air you breathe.

Why buy an Air Purifier

According to environmental studies, indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. This is because homes and buildings today are designed to keep air inside to avoid heat gain during summer and heat loss during winter. The result is build up of air pollutants that may come from such sources as dusts and mold spores.

The dirty air that circulates in the home can be harmful because air pollutants like dander flakes from pets and tobacco smoke can in fact cause asthmatic and allergic reactions. In addition to this, most people stay indoor and are more likely to inhale polluted indoor air. The effect of dirty indoor air is more damaging to people who are sickly and are more prone to allergies. An ideal option is therefore to ensure cleaner indoor air that is safe for everyone. Reduction of allergens and dirt in the air is best done by an air purifier. Air purifiers clean indoor air and reduce the likelihood of people getting diseases caused by bad air quality.

How to Buy an Air Purifier

Consider the appearance of the unit. This includes the size, portability and the visual appeal of an air purifier. Look for a unit size that suits your area and you are most comfortable with. You may not want to cramp your house with an air purifier that is almost as big and bulky as your bedroom. Consider also the portability of the unit so you can take it with you wherever room you are in. Visual presentation of the device should also match most of your indoor area so it harmonizes with the interior theme and design.

Evaluate the noise level. Look for a unit that does not produce too much irritating noise and one that cleans the air silently. A good air purifier does not only reduce indoor air pollution but causes less noise and disturbance as well.

Check the product specification. You can compare air purifiers by checking the Clean Air Delivery Rating (CADR). A higher CADR means stronger purification power. You should also check the filter specifications because HEPA filter should be able to filter at least 99.97% of air pollutants of 0.3 micrometers in size. Products marked with "HEPA-type" or "HEPA-like" may not meet this standard. Consider also the frequency of filter replacement because the filter itself is expensive and frequent filter replacements may become too costly and burdensome.

Air purifier is not just a luxurious item that your family can live without. In places where dusts, smokes and other allergens can result to bad health conditions, an air purifier is the best option to ensure good air quality and good health.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Allergy - Air Purifier Basics: Why and How to Buy an Air Purifier

If you think that air purifiers are just any other luxury device that your family can do without, read on. You are more likely to discover the benefits of having an equipment that gets rid of air pollutants and improves the quality of the air you breathe.

Why buy an Air Purifier

According to environmental studies, indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. This is because homes and buildings today are designed to keep air inside to avoid heat gain during summer and heat loss during winter. The result is build up of air pollutants that may come from such sources as dusts and mold spores.

The dirty air that circulates in the home can be harmful because air pollutants like dander flakes from pets and tobacco smoke can in fact cause asthmatic and allergic reactions. In addition to this, most people stay indoor and are more likely to inhale polluted indoor air. The effect of dirty indoor air is more damaging to people who are sickly and are more prone to allergies. An ideal option is therefore to ensure cleaner indoor air that is safe for everyone. Reduction of allergens and dirt in the air is best done by an air purifier. Air purifiers clean indoor air and reduce the likelihood of people getting diseases caused by bad air quality.

How to Buy an Air Purifier

Consider the appearance of the unit. This includes the size, portability and the visual appeal of an air purifier. Look for a unit size that suits your area and you are most comfortable with. You may not want to cramp your house with an air purifier that is almost as big and bulky as your bedroom. Consider also the portability of the unit so you can take it with you wherever room you are in. Visual presentation of the device should also match most of your indoor area so it harmonizes with the interior theme and design.

Evaluate the noise level. Look for a unit that does not produce too much irritating noise and one that cleans the air silently. A good air purifier does not only reduce indoor air pollution but causes less noise and disturbance as well.

Check the product specification. You can compare air purifiers by checking the Clean Air Delivery Rating (CADR). A higher CADR means stronger purification power. You should also check the filter specifications because HEPA filter should be able to filter at least 99.97% of air pollutants of 0.3 micrometers in size. Products marked with "HEPA-type" or "HEPA-like" may not meet this standard. Consider also the frequency of filter replacement because the filter itself is expensive and frequent filter replacements may become too costly and burdensome.

Air purifier is not just a luxurious item that your family can live without. In places where dusts, smokes and other allergens can result to bad health conditions, an air purifier is the best option to ensure good air quality and good health.

Jeff Dodd is an accomplished writer with extensive knowledge in health and allergies. For more information on Air Purifier, just visit us at

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Allergy - Natural Herbs for Allergies- Your Plan B?

Have you been considering natural herbs for allergies? Natural medicines and alternative treatments are gaining in popularity not only for allergies but for many other ailments. Many of today's medicines cause side effects that can be as dangerous or uncomfortable as the symptoms you are trying to treat in the first place.

The typical treatments for allergies usually revolve around antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines are well known for making you drowsy. I have found that Benadryl does help to manage my allergies but I often find myself choosing which one to use because if I use some of the ones with higher levels of antihistamines I don't want to drive. I can get that sleepy. Decongestants on the other hand can lead to higher blood pressure. This is especially dangerous if you have a heart condition.

Thankfully you may be able to treat your allergies in a more holistic way. Natural herbs for allergies can be the answer and can actually help to prevent the symptoms before they start. This can be an effective way to manage many of the seasonal allergies that are common today.

What Should You Do First?

Modifying your lifestyle before diving into any treatment is a good idea. Even natural herbs for allergies can cause problems or interact with other medications. What can you do to reduce your allergy symptoms?

  • Keep windows closed
  • Use air conditioning
  • Stay Indoors

Airborne allergies like pollen can be controlled by doing the above. At night it is important to control your environment since many times people have trouble sleeping because of their allergy symptoms. If these approaches are not providing you with the allergy relief you need it may be time to try natural herbs for allergies.

Natural Herbs to Try

Before trying any of these natural herbs for allergies please consult your physician. Herbs can have side effects too, and they can also dangerously interact with other medicines. Natural herbs that have been known to help alleviate allergy symptoms include:

  • Stinging Nettle
  • Butterbur
  • Quercetin

Stinging Nettle works as a natural antihistamine without the drowsiness. This herb reduces the histamine production of the body. The immune system triggers the production of histamine which is the chemical produced by the antibodies in the body. The immune system in case of allergies has mistakenly identified your allergen as something that is harmful which is why the histamine is produced. Histamines are also responsible for the allergy symptoms like coughing, runny nose and watery eyes. When your body cannot produce as many histamines your symptoms are reduced too. Natural food and vitamin stores are a good place to find Stinging Nettle.

There are other natural herbs for allergies that work like Stinging Nettle to reduce the body's ability to produce histamines. Butterbur is one that is harder to find here in the U.S. but may be worth tracking down. Quercetin is another good natural herb for allergies. It also has the added benefit of acting as a natural antioxidant that can reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

Advances are being made every day on different ways of treating and preventing allergies. Allergies have become so common that it is rare that someone in the family is not affected. Natural herbs for allergies can be your Plan B when you can't get the relief you need from over the counter treatments or when the side effects of using the standard antihistamines and decongestants are too dangerous for you. Ask your doctor, he may be able to recommend even more options than those we have given you above.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Allergy - Natural Herbs for Allergies- Your Plan B?

Have you been considering natural herbs for allergies? Natural medicines and alternative treatments are gaining in popularity not only for allergies but for many other ailments. Many of today's medicines cause side effects that can be as dangerous or uncomfortable as the symptoms you are trying to treat in the first place.

The typical treatments for allergies usually revolve around antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines are well known for making you drowsy. I have found that Benadryl does help to manage my allergies but I often find myself choosing which one to use because if I use some of the ones with higher levels of antihistamines I don't want to drive. I can get that sleepy. Decongestants on the other hand can lead to higher blood pressure. This is especially dangerous if you have a heart condition.

Thankfully you may be able to treat your allergies in a more holistic way. Natural herbs for allergies can be the answer and can actually help to prevent the symptoms before they start. This can be an effective way to manage many of the seasonal allergies that are common today.

What Should You Do First?

Modifying your lifestyle before diving into any treatment is a good idea. Even natural herbs for allergies can cause problems or interact with other medications. What can you do to reduce your allergy symptoms?

  • Keep windows closed
  • Use air conditioning
  • Stay Indoors

Airborne allergies like pollen can be controlled by doing the above. At night it is important to control your environment since many times people have trouble sleeping because of their allergy symptoms. If these approaches are not providing you with the allergy relief you need it may be time to try natural herbs for allergies.

Natural Herbs to Try

Before trying any of these natural herbs for allergies please consult your physician. Herbs can have side effects too, and they can also dangerously interact with other medicines. Natural herbs that have been known to help alleviate allergy symptoms include:

  • Stinging Nettle
  • Butterbur
  • Quercetin

Stinging Nettle works as a natural antihistamine without the drowsiness. This herb reduces the histamine production of the body. The immune system triggers the production of histamine which is the chemical produced by the antibodies in the body. The immune system in case of allergies has mistakenly identified your allergen as something that is harmful which is why the histamine is produced. Histamines are also responsible for the allergy symptoms like coughing, runny nose and watery eyes. When your body cannot produce as many histamines your symptoms are reduced too. Natural food and vitamin stores are a good place to find Stinging Nettle.

There are other natural herbs for allergies that work like Stinging Nettle to reduce the body's ability to produce histamines. Butterbur is one that is harder to find here in the U.S. but may be worth tracking down. Quercetin is another good natural herb for allergies. It also has the added benefit of acting as a natural antioxidant that can reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

Advances are being made every day on different ways of treating and preventing allergies. Allergies have become so common that it is rare that someone in the family is not affected. Natural herbs for allergies can be your Plan B when you can't get the relief you need from over the counter treatments or when the side effects of using the standard antihistamines and decongestants are too dangerous for you. Ask your doctor, he may be able to recommend even more options than those we have given you above.

Marilyn Franklin writes for where you can find more info on allergy relief.

Article Source:

Allergy - Grass Allergy

Grass allergy is one of the most common and prevalent form of allergy that affects people with histories of it during certain seasons.

Grass allergy normally occurs all throughout the spring season and during the onset or ending of the summer season. Grass allergy is somehow directly linked to hay fever, because their symptoms and causes are somehow similar to each other.

Grass allergy can also take the form of an inhalant kind of allergy similar to asthma. It is noted that in the United States alone, about 30% of overall yearly allergy reported or recorded is in the form of grass allergy.

Grass allergy is caused by an allergen that invokes discomforting reaction upon body contact.

Cause of grass allergy

The most usual allergen or substance that cause or triggers grass allergy is pollen. Pollens are very tiny and small particles of ovulation structures owned by plants.

During your primary education and even in your previous Biology classes, you have encountered the word pollen on subjects related to the proliferation or reproduction of plants' flowers.

Take note that pollens are so tiny and light that they can stick to the tiny feet of butterflies. Pollens are most of the time flying or are carried out in the air especially during summer and spring when trees, flowers, and mostly, grass pollinate.

Because pollens are so light weight and they are carried over through the air, people can inhale them. Inhaling pollen can cause or trigger adverse reactions to the person.

Symptoms of grass allergy

Manifestations that indicate the onset of grass allergy are usually identified with breathing disorders.

The most common symptom of grass allergy is severe or constant dry cough. Usually these cough will occur with sore throat. It can never be mistaken for a common viral colds or cough.

The person with grass allergy also experiences difficulty in breathing. It s because the air passages are narrowed or constricted as a result of the body's defense mechanism against grass pollen.

It can be noted that since the air passage constriction is a body defense mechanism, it is not dangerous. The danger occurs when the person experiencing it panics and feel a thriving discomfort.

Itchiness which can appear in several areas of the body can also occur at the onset of a grass allergy attack.

In rare occasions, fever can also be detected. However, in such occurrences, immediate help from doctors and medical practitioners should be sought to detect the presence of complications.

Fevers indicate the presence of viral and bacterial attacks in the body and should therefore be immediately attended at to avoid further complications.

Treatment and prevention of grass allergy

The most effective treatment for grass allergy is also its most potent prevention. That is, to avoid the grass allergy causing allergens, which are usually grass pollen.

To avoid exposure to grass pollen or the possibility of grass pollen inhalation, people with histories are advised to stay indoors especially during summer and spring when grass pollens are carried out in the open air.

Doctors also advise such people to install a working air conditioner in their home and room to make sure the ventilation is good and the probability of air contamination with grass pollen is reduced.

Otherwise, medications are available both through prescription and over the counter. Allergy shots can immediately relieve and soothe the symptoms. Antihistamines are also usually prescribed to curtail grass allergy development among patients.


Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Allergy - Grass Allergy

Grass allergy is one of the most common and prevalent form of allergy that affects people with histories of it during certain seasons.

Grass allergy normally occurs all throughout the spring season and during the onset or ending of the summer season. Grass allergy is somehow directly linked to hay fever, because their symptoms and causes are somehow similar to each other.

Grass allergy can also take the form of an inhalant kind of allergy similar to asthma. It is noted that in the United States alone, about 30% of overall yearly allergy reported or recorded is in the form of grass allergy.

Grass allergy is caused by an allergen that invokes discomforting reaction upon body contact.

Cause of grass allergy

The most usual allergen or substance that cause or triggers grass allergy is pollen. Pollens are very tiny and small particles of ovulation structures owned by plants.

During your primary education and even in your previous Biology classes, you have encountered the word pollen on subjects related to the proliferation or reproduction of plants' flowers.

Take note that pollens are so tiny and light that they can stick to the tiny feet of butterflies. Pollens are most of the time flying or are carried out in the air especially during summer and spring when trees, flowers, and mostly, grass pollinate.

Because pollens are so light weight and they are carried over through the air, people can inhale them. Inhaling pollen can cause or trigger adverse reactions to the person.

Symptoms of grass allergy

Manifestations that indicate the onset of grass allergy are usually identified with breathing disorders.

The most common symptom of grass allergy is severe or constant dry cough. Usually these cough will occur with sore throat. It can never be mistaken for a common viral colds or cough.

The person with grass allergy also experiences difficulty in breathing. It s because the air passages are narrowed or constricted as a result of the body's defense mechanism against grass pollen.

It can be noted that since the air passage constriction is a body defense mechanism, it is not dangerous. The danger occurs when the person experiencing it panics and feel a thriving discomfort.

Itchiness which can appear in several areas of the body can also occur at the onset of a grass allergy attack.

In rare occasions, fever can also be detected. However, in such occurrences, immediate help from doctors and medical practitioners should be sought to detect the presence of complications.

Fevers indicate the presence of viral and bacterial attacks in the body and should therefore be immediately attended at to avoid further complications.

Treatment and prevention of grass allergy

The most effective treatment for grass allergy is also its most potent prevention. That is, to avoid the grass allergy causing allergens, which are usually grass pollen.

To avoid exposure to grass pollen or the possibility of grass pollen inhalation, people with histories are advised to stay indoors especially during summer and spring when grass pollens are carried out in the open air.

Doctors also advise such people to install a working air conditioner in their home and room to make sure the ventilation is good and the probability of air contamination with grass pollen is reduced.

Otherwise, medications are available both through prescription and over the counter. Allergy shots can immediately relieve and soothe the symptoms. Antihistamines are also usually prescribed to curtail grass allergy development among patients.


Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.


Charlene J. Nuble 2006.

For answers to All your frequently asked questions about grass allergy, please go to: or go to:,

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Allergy - A Guide To Allergies

Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to react due to hypersensitivity to some substance such as food, drugs, drinks, pollution, flowers, and others. An allergen could be anything under the sun that might cause a reaction in one's body if the body disagrees with that substance. Even a common thing such as sunlight and air might cause sever reactions in some if the skin is susceptible to allergies due to the same.

People suffering from food allergies are many. Although most of these individuals do not have very severe reactions, some might find instant severe reaction to some foods. Some of the allergic reactions are caused due to seafood, regular food such as rice, soy, wheat, nuts, flowers, sunlight, metals and many such items.

Certain allergic reactions that are caused can be given temporary treatment to sooth the itchiness and provide some relief to the patient. However, most allergies have no permanent cure and the individuals suffering from these will need to avoid coming in contact with certain items that might cause reactions.

Itchiness and irritation along with blotches are caused in most reactions. Body lotions can sometimes soothe these although severe ones need to be treated with immediate effect. Drug reactions must be immediately taken care of as they can turn out to be quite severe with delay and might even result in death of the patient if an alternative to stop the reaction is not immediately administered to the patient.

People suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma, sinusitis can use inhalers for temporary relief. Such individuals need to have the medicine on hand at all times in anticipation of an attack due to some reason or other. Other preventive medicines must be taken without fail for avoiding the attacks at inappropriate moments. Antihistamines and decongestants also help with respiratory problems.

Allergies tests must be taken to fist diagnose the problem. Although most of them do not have a temporary cure, allergy shots, supplements and other medication would help in stopping the attacks when least expected. Most allergy medication causes drowsiness and can impair driving. It is usually suggested to rest when on medication because of this. Allergy shots also help a great deal in the long run as they can reduce the chances of attacks drastically if proper care is taken.

Seasonal allergies are most common in children and even in a few percentages of adults. Taking a few precautions at the initial time of seasonal change can help a great deal in avoiding such allergies. Although spring is the most beautiful season, all that pollen in the air might result in respiratory and skin allergies. Children's immunity system must be strong to be able to encounter these changes in the weather. Vitamins, particular the vitamin C can help a lot avoid respiratory allergies.

One important thing to consider before getting a prescription filled is to find weather the patient can take that medication without further allergy because of that medication, as many are allergic to sulfur and other ingredient in the medication composition.

Allergy - A Guide To Allergies

Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to react due to hypersensitivity to some substance such as food, drugs, drinks, pollution, flowers, and others. An allergen could be anything under the sun that might cause a reaction in one's body if the body disagrees with that substance. Even a common thing such as sunlight and air might cause sever reactions in some if the skin is susceptible to allergies due to the same.

People suffering from food allergies are many. Although most of these individuals do not have very severe reactions, some might find instant severe reaction to some foods. Some of the allergic reactions are caused due to seafood, regular food such as rice, soy, wheat, nuts, flowers, sunlight, metals and many such items.

Certain allergic reactions that are caused can be given temporary treatment to sooth the itchiness and provide some relief to the patient. However, most allergies have no permanent cure and the individuals suffering from these will need to avoid coming in contact with certain items that might cause reactions.

Itchiness and irritation along with blotches are caused in most reactions. Body lotions can sometimes soothe these although severe ones need to be treated with immediate effect. Drug reactions must be immediately taken care of as they can turn out to be quite severe with delay and might even result in death of the patient if an alternative to stop the reaction is not immediately administered to the patient.

People suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma, sinusitis can use inhalers for temporary relief. Such individuals need to have the medicine on hand at all times in anticipation of an attack due to some reason or other. Other preventive medicines must be taken without fail for avoiding the attacks at inappropriate moments. Antihistamines and decongestants also help with respiratory problems.

Allergies tests must be taken to fist diagnose the problem. Although most of them do not have a temporary cure, allergy shots, supplements and other medication would help in stopping the attacks when least expected. Most allergy medication causes drowsiness and can impair driving. It is usually suggested to rest when on medication because of this. Allergy shots also help a great deal in the long run as they can reduce the chances of attacks drastically if proper care is taken.

Seasonal allergies are most common in children and even in a few percentages of adults. Taking a few precautions at the initial time of seasonal change can help a great deal in avoiding such allergies. Although spring is the most beautiful season, all that pollen in the air might result in respiratory and skin allergies. Children's immunity system must be strong to be able to encounter these changes in the weather. Vitamins, particular the vitamin C can help a lot avoid respiratory allergies.

One important thing to consider before getting a prescription filled is to find weather the patient can take that medication without further allergy because of that medication, as many are allergic to sulfur and other ingredient in the medication composition.

Allergies provides detailed information on Allergies, Allergy Relief, Food Allergies, Skin Allergies and more. Allergies is affiliated with Bronchial Asthma.

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Allergy - The Food Allergy Survival Guide To Overcoming and Recovering From Food Allergies

Selective eating- you are to undergo such a phase when you are allergic to some kinds of food and beverages. A food allergy is the body's immunologic reaction due to the presence of food protein.

Nowadays, there are several reading materials to help you understand the things you need to know about food allergy. One such example is the book called "5 Years without Food: The Food Allergy Survival Guide: How to Overcome Your Food Allergies and Recover Good Healthy." The book discusses overview of food allergy as well as the foods which you can and cannot eat and its alternatives. Additionally, you will also learn some necessary food allergy treatment from the book. Furthermore, "a personal testimonial" from the author makes the book credible as reviewed by readers.

Aside from the information which can be derived from the book, here are some helpful additional ideas you might want to add in your collection of thoughts.

Commonly, adults are allergic to foods such as eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish and fish. Kids, on the other hand, are inflicted with allergies to peanuts, milk and eggs. If you are aware that you have food allergy, what you need to undertake is to be well-informed about the allergy you have. By doing so, you will be able to overcome and recover from such allergy.

Some types of food allergies will be discussed for further reference:

Egg Allergy

An individual afflicted with the said allergy is hypersensitive to foods containing substance from eggs - the white or the yolk.

For some time, you are restricted to consume foods containing eggs. These days, there are egg substitutes which you can use such as tapioca and starch from potatoes. Apple sauce can also be an alternative.

Nut Allergy

People who are oversensitive to tree nuts end up experiencing allergic attacks. Nut allergy should not be interchanged with peanut allergy. It is different from the latter since tree nuts are considered fruits that are dry.

Types of food prepared from soy nuts are considered to be a good alternative in the absence of tree nuts in your diet. A soy nut is not necessarily a nut; it is a soybean which undergoes the process of soaking and baking to achieve its crisp end result.

Milk Allergy

There are individuals who upon ingestion of proteins from a cow's milk develop an allergic reaction. When this happens, such individuals are considered to be allergic in milk.

To obtain optimum result from milk allergy treatment, you need to completely avoid milk allergens. In order for you to fill in nutritional gap from milk, you can choose to include soy milk or rice milk in your diet.

Seafood Allergy

If you are hypersensitive to foods such as shellfish or flaky fishes then you are most likely allergic to seafood.

The only way to avoid allergic attacks is prevention from eating shellfish and fishes which you are allergic into. Moreover, you also need to be careful on selecting pre-packaged foods for its labeling may not declare that it contains seafood ingredients such as shellfish or fish.

There is a reason for you to undergo selective eating. It will make you overcome the allergic reaction which is happening into your system. Moreover, it will help you recover and survive. To some extent, it will help you cease your food allergy. Selective eating may vary. Some food allergies are treated on a short-term; others are not treated in their lifetime.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Allergy - The Food Allergy Survival Guide To Overcoming and Recovering From Food Allergies

Selective eating- you are to undergo such a phase when you are allergic to some kinds of food and beverages. A food allergy is the body's immunologic reaction due to the presence of food protein.

Nowadays, there are several reading materials to help you understand the things you need to know about food allergy. One such example is the book called "5 Years without Food: The Food Allergy Survival Guide: How to Overcome Your Food Allergies and Recover Good Healthy." The book discusses overview of food allergy as well as the foods which you can and cannot eat and its alternatives. Additionally, you will also learn some necessary food allergy treatment from the book. Furthermore, "a personal testimonial" from the author makes the book credible as reviewed by readers.

Aside from the information which can be derived from the book, here are some helpful additional ideas you might want to add in your collection of thoughts.

Commonly, adults are allergic to foods such as eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish and fish. Kids, on the other hand, are inflicted with allergies to peanuts, milk and eggs. If you are aware that you have food allergy, what you need to undertake is to be well-informed about the allergy you have. By doing so, you will be able to overcome and recover from such allergy.

Some types of food allergies will be discussed for further reference:

Egg Allergy

An individual afflicted with the said allergy is hypersensitive to foods containing substance from eggs - the white or the yolk.

For some time, you are restricted to consume foods containing eggs. These days, there are egg substitutes which you can use such as tapioca and starch from potatoes. Apple sauce can also be an alternative.

Nut Allergy

People who are oversensitive to tree nuts end up experiencing allergic attacks. Nut allergy should not be interchanged with peanut allergy. It is different from the latter since tree nuts are considered fruits that are dry.

Types of food prepared from soy nuts are considered to be a good alternative in the absence of tree nuts in your diet. A soy nut is not necessarily a nut; it is a soybean which undergoes the process of soaking and baking to achieve its crisp end result.

Milk Allergy

There are individuals who upon ingestion of proteins from a cow's milk develop an allergic reaction. When this happens, such individuals are considered to be allergic in milk.

To obtain optimum result from milk allergy treatment, you need to completely avoid milk allergens. In order for you to fill in nutritional gap from milk, you can choose to include soy milk or rice milk in your diet.

Seafood Allergy

If you are hypersensitive to foods such as shellfish or flaky fishes then you are most likely allergic to seafood.

The only way to avoid allergic attacks is prevention from eating shellfish and fishes which you are allergic into. Moreover, you also need to be careful on selecting pre-packaged foods for its labeling may not declare that it contains seafood ingredients such as shellfish or fish.

There is a reason for you to undergo selective eating. It will make you overcome the allergic reaction which is happening into your system. Moreover, it will help you recover and survive. To some extent, it will help you cease your food allergy. Selective eating may vary. Some food allergies are treated on a short-term; others are not treated in their lifetime.

For more great information on Food Allergy Survival Guide Overcome and Recover Now check out our site chocked full of articles, tips and helpful info about Food Allergies Information

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Allergy - Dog Allergy - How To Deal With It

Unlike dogs, we look after our allergies, mainly because we are able to. Where dogs cannot recognise and diagnose their own dog allergy, we on the other-hand can. When treating a dog allergy one should look at whether it's better to prevent or cure dog allergies. It's up to us to look after our dog's allergy.

It's quite possible, when your dog has an allergy; it's something he/she will have for life. By way of allergy testing your veterinarian can accurately diagnose your dog's allergy. Allergies in dogs can make your dog itch and scratch too much, which leads to lots of shedding and other skin related problems such as scabbing, raw sores, unsightly ear infections and some unpleasant odors.

While difficult to diagnose, it's important to beware of your dog's signs if you're to provide effective relieve to your dog's allergies. If the symptoms that your dog displays, leads to confusing diagnoses, it's best to seek advice from your veterinarian. Your vet will establish whether your dog suffers from an allergy or a more severe complaint.

The sooner one acts, and starts treating their dog's allergies the easier and less stressful it will be in the long run. Properly treating the symptoms of your dog's allergies will certainly bring relief to your dog, but dealing with the cause of your dog's allergy should greatly reduce distress in your dog.

Some believe using natural diets and treatments offer less harmful side effects than conventional commercial based products. More and more dog owners are looking to natural solutions in the treatment of their dog's allergies. While it's always advised that you seek the advice of your Veterinarian when treating dog allergies, it can also be well worth looking to some alternative methods. In the book, "Veterinary Secrets Revealed" (available at, Dr. Andrew Jones focuses on alternative home treatments for dog allergies. According to Dr. Jones, allergies are one of the most common reasons that he sees pets.

A simple change in what your dog eats, plays with or sleeps on, could be all that is needed to put an end to your dog's pain. The use of medicated shampoos or creams on your dog's dry or itchy skin may play a key role in making your dog less susceptible to allergies. Treatment of dog allergies is an on-going process, while prevention is better in the long run. Without a doubt, preventing your dog's allergies is by far, a much better option than constantly trying to cure what ails them.

It's worth bearing in mind that dog allergies can be a long battle, therefore, the sooner one puts an on-going solution in place, the better it will be for all concerned. Remember, it is essential that you be proficient in spotting the signs in order to correctly control and treat your dog's allergies.

Allergy - Dog Allergy - How To Deal With It

Unlike dogs, we look after our allergies, mainly because we are able to. Where dogs cannot recognise and diagnose their own dog allergy, we on the other-hand can. When treating a dog allergy one should look at whether it's better to prevent or cure dog allergies. It's up to us to look after our dog's allergy.

It's quite possible, when your dog has an allergy; it's something he/she will have for life. By way of allergy testing your veterinarian can accurately diagnose your dog's allergy. Allergies in dogs can make your dog itch and scratch too much, which leads to lots of shedding and other skin related problems such as scabbing, raw sores, unsightly ear infections and some unpleasant odors.

While difficult to diagnose, it's important to beware of your dog's signs if you're to provide effective relieve to your dog's allergies. If the symptoms that your dog displays, leads to confusing diagnoses, it's best to seek advice from your veterinarian. Your vet will establish whether your dog suffers from an allergy or a more severe complaint.

The sooner one acts, and starts treating their dog's allergies the easier and less stressful it will be in the long run. Properly treating the symptoms of your dog's allergies will certainly bring relief to your dog, but dealing with the cause of your dog's allergy should greatly reduce distress in your dog.

Some believe using natural diets and treatments offer less harmful side effects than conventional commercial based products. More and more dog owners are looking to natural solutions in the treatment of their dog's allergies. While it's always advised that you seek the advice of your Veterinarian when treating dog allergies, it can also be well worth looking to some alternative methods. In the book, "Veterinary Secrets Revealed" (available at, Dr. Andrew Jones focuses on alternative home treatments for dog allergies. According to Dr. Jones, allergies are one of the most common reasons that he sees pets.

A simple change in what your dog eats, plays with or sleeps on, could be all that is needed to put an end to your dog's pain. The use of medicated shampoos or creams on your dog's dry or itchy skin may play a key role in making your dog less susceptible to allergies. Treatment of dog allergies is an on-going process, while prevention is better in the long run. Without a doubt, preventing your dog's allergies is by far, a much better option than constantly trying to cure what ails them.

It's worth bearing in mind that dog allergies can be a long battle, therefore, the sooner one puts an on-going solution in place, the better it will be for all concerned. Remember, it is essential that you be proficient in spotting the signs in order to correctly control and treat your dog's allergies.

Visit Dermot's website at to learn more about caring for our four legged friends where he shares lots of free dog training and dog health tips and information.

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Allergy - Mold Allergies - Learn About The Symptoms

Mold allergies are one of the main health problems that affect people of all ages. There are thousands of molds, although some of them do not cause any allergies at all. In fact there are only about 12 different kinds of molds that can cause a serious allergy. It is possible that mold might be the major reason that people have seasonal allergies. Mold spores are very tiny and they are airborne, which makes it possible for you to have mold anywhere in your home. However, the most common reason for mold allergies is mold growing in areas where there is a lot of moisture.

The most common symptoms of mold allergies are watery eyes, wheezing, stuffed up nose, shortness of breath and asthma. A mild mold allergy may not even require you to seek medical attention, whereas other symptoms may be so severe that they require hospitalization. A Stachybotrys allergy has been known to cause bleeding in the lungs of infants, especially when it is combined with exposure to second hand smoke. The Stachybotrys atra mold can cause disorders of the nervous system, such as the inability to concentrate, changes in personality and sleep disorders.

Where is the mold that usually causes the mold allergies?

The Stachybortrys mold grows on areas that get soaked in water and are not completely dried out. This is the common cause of mold allergies in homes that have experienced flooding. Other areas in the home where mold is commonly found when you go looking for the source of your mold allergy includes basements, closets, shower stalls in bathrooms, fresh food stored in cupboards and the refrigerator, foam pillows, garbage containers and house plants.

You can control your mold allergies by containing or reducing the amount of mold in your home. Some ways you can do this include keeping the level of humidity below 40%. You can use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier in times when the humidity is really high and in so doing help to keep down the severity of your mold allergy. You do need to ensure that your kitchen and bathroom are ventilated. If you have a HEPA filter, change the filters on a regular basis. If the filters are clogged they are not going to do much to take the mold spores out of the air in your home.

There are some people whose mold allergies flare up when they eat certain foods. These include such foods as cheese, mushrooms, dried fruits, and foods containing yeast. These foods actually contain mold, which will certainly aggravate a mold allergy. There are many different types of products on the market to help you with your mold allergies, but the best thing is to try to eliminate mold from your home.